Divine Light Alchemy
Dimensional Quantum Spiritual Healings
Vibrational Radiesthesia,
Channel Frequencies, Healing Modules
Cosmic Theurgy MAYA
Dimensional Ancestral Past Life Karmic Clearings & Healings
Past life, Karmic Ancestral Clearings Including All of Your Timelines in all Dimensions Where You Exist are The Foundation of Every Divine Light Alchemy Session.
Over the years, I have trained with many Teachers, Masters, & Healers, and I have learned many clearing & healing processes and systems, so I can provide the most in-depth & optimal Dimensional sessions.

Transcending Trauma
I have been clearing, releasing & healing Trauma since I started my Healing Journey, whether is occurred this lifetime, past life trauma and the ancestral trauma we all carry. So it would make sense that I would always include addressing all types of trauma with the Divine Light Alchemy Magical Sweeps to go infinite levels wide & infinite levels high to transform & transcend Trauma.
Dissolving & Releasing
The “Pattern of Illness”
The “Patterns of Illness” are the deeply buried underlying information matrix fields, which are the root cause of physical, energetic, emotional, mental, or spiritual manifestations of the “dis-ease” pattern of physical health issues.
Using the Divine Light Alchemy protocols, Modules & Frequencies, we scan, identify & dissolve the specific Information Energy system, within each of the levels, (Physical Body, Etheric/Prana, Emotional, Mental, Karmic, Spiritual/Soul Level & Divine.), on all planes and all of your existences and including all of your timelines.

Vibrational Radiesthesia
Radiesthesia describes an ability to detect radiation emitted by a person, animal, object or geographical feature.
“Radiesthesia is the science of using the vibrational fields of the human body to access information about other objects of animate or inanimate nature by establishing resonance with their energy fields, using specially calibrated instruments and a scale of qualitative measurement to decode this information.” Dr. Ibraham Karim
Dimensional Egyptian Aboukra Clearings, Healing & Coaching

Multidimensional Quantum Healing Modules & Frequencies
Imagine a Divine Light Alchemy session, where we are able to access to a Multidimensional Library of Higher Consciousness Channeled Frequencies, AH Codes and MED & Holosets Modules. That is the Divine Magic that is available from within the Quantum Scalar Pyramid Healing Chamber.
Quantum Cosmic Maya Channel Healing Frequencies
I was Attuned to a Reiki Level 3, Master & Teacher years ago & I have been Channeling Higher Dimensional Consciousness Beings & frequencies for years, so discovering these new Mayan Cosmic Theurgy Channels was the next leap to providing Divine Light Alchemy 2.0 Trans Dimensional Sessions.
One of the most known & many are familiar with is Reiki Channeled healing.
The Cosmoenergy Method involving the use of external energy information channels has the potential to provide the activation of the inherent potential of an individual, resolve tension and stress, and assist with the transformations of pathological processes that leads to “dis-eases” and a variety of life issues & & situations that seem unchangeable.
Incorporating Cosmoenergy with the Multidimensional processes we do enables a way forward to achieve self-healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually, as well as to achieve self-improvement with the use of the universe’s informational constituent known as “channels”.
I now provide a variety of Specific Vibrational Radiesthesia Sessions to address your health issues, using the Maya Cosmic Theurgy Channels & their healing frequencies.

Quantum Egyptian Divine Magical “Sweeps.”
This New Divine Light Alchemy Dimensional Clearing Process, I term, “Divine Magical Sweeps,” combine several amazing techniques.
I use the “Magical Sweeps” to scan, search, identify & then clear & dissolve the specific matrix field of information of whatever required disentangling, clearing & releasing. They have been programmed to include a very large list of discordant, detrimental, energies, programs, patterns, etc., that are creating the physical, energetic, emotional, mental, or spiritual patterns of any specific Issues & challenges in the major areas of our life, Health, Abundance, Relationships, Career & Wisdom/Spiritual.
Using the Divine Light Alchemy Magical Sweep, with the Modules & Frequencies, we are also including, within in each of the levels, (Physical Body, Etheric/Prana, Emotional, Mental, Karmic, Spiritual/Soul Level & Divine.), all planes and all of your existences in all of your timelines.
We Offer a Variety of Divine Light Alchemy Sessions
to Assist You with Whatever you Desire to Achieve.
Schedule a Session today.
Pyramid Energy Healing
The Divine Light Alchemy Scalar Pyramid Energy, assist you with your Divine Intentions.