Aligning To Your Divine Infinite Self

Are You Ready To Access Your Divine Soul Potential

To Achieve Your Dreams & Desires?



divine soul blueprint and your divine soul potential

You are a unique infinite being. Your soul also has a unique vibrational essence all its own, a soul contract with soul programs, along with an authentic soul signature, guiding you to tune into and fulfill your unique destiny and life purpose. However, you also have soul programming, patterns and self-limiting beliefs that are creating the blocks and limitations to achieving your desires.

Divine Soul Potential is the untapped, God-given ability that is available to you to assist God in fulfilling His purposes on earth. It is your ability to overcome mediocrity, emptiness, and areas of defeat or constant struggle and to reach the fulfillment that is provided for you by God. It is the potential of God’s presence and power working in you that can make all things possible.

In every moment you have the power to access this Divine Potential and embrace the incredible wealth of information, light, wisdom and power that lies within you.

Unfortunately, many are experiencing life challenges that are blocking them from realizing their true inner strength, their Divine Potential.

Maybe you’ve contemplated “There must be more to my life, what is my purpose?” “What is my soul mission?”
Have you dreamed of greater things, only to be distracted by a money problem? You may even be experiencing the “one step forward, two steps back cycle.”

Owning Your Unique Gifts

You have to realize you do have the ability, right now to awaken your untapped gifts and abilities and sky rocket your life into a new reality filled with joy, ease and happiness.

There isn’t a mistake that you are alive now. You are responding to a soul destined, energetic call to awaken your highest self and play a vital part in the compelling, transformational shift that’s occurring in the world today.

Most impotantly, if you’re feeling stuck, blocked, confused, or just disconnected from your true divine soul potential, Debi Rose’s Unique Coaching & Clearings will empower you to open up to a life of pure happiness and joy, awareness of your purpose and passion, and to believe from your soul in the possibility
of all things, even those that you never considered or Imagined!

Newly Inspired “Divine Soul Potential”

Transformational Clearings, Activations & Coaching Sessions


“Divinely Designed” to assist you in embracing your very own conscious evolution.

You may be wondering what’s the difference between a Life Coach or Dream Coaching and Debi Rose “Divine Soul Potential” Coaching?

A Life Coach or Dream Coach helps you to live a better life, find a job and eventually financial success. While “Divine Soul Potential Coaching” not only assists you in your true awakening, awareness, igniting your inner gifts to live your passion, but also clears the multitude of soul contracts, programming, blocking belief systems, patterns and ancestral energies that keep you stuck in your same life results. Also by Activation of dormant DNA soul codes, alignment to your 100% Divine Soul’s Infinite Potential. The truth of why you’re here on the planet at this time.

Debi Rose Sessions Are Not Just Designed to be Different,
They’re Different By Design!

Over the years I have trained with many Master Healers & Quantum Transformational teachers to prepare for the incredible new and ongoing energetic shifts & changes. I know many are the highest frequency modalities on the planet at this time.

Being a “Divine Light Alchemist,” living in the Quantum and assisted by Ascended Masters, like Melchizedek, Thoth, Saint Germain, & Babaji, to name a few, it was only a matter of time, that an all new “Divine Soul Potential” Transformational Session be created.

The “Divine Soul Potential” Sessions include, what I believe, are the vital components necessary to insure that you’re cleared to the highest level of Soul Consciousness. This not only raises your vibrational frequency, but also allows you to achieve an optimal state of mind, body, emotion & spiritual awareness.
These are the first steps to embrace “Being” happiness, joy, inner peace, radiant health, and ease of living and functioning from Divine Soul Consciousness.

My many years of experience, facilitating clients, has proven that my one-on-one processing over a multiple session protocol,over a period of several months, provides the most dynamic effect, mainly because I am a stickler at getting to the root cause, re-checking & transmuting any rebuilding programs, mirror images & magnetic imprinting, etc.

However, with an ongoing session protocol, as we progress, each session builds and expands on the next, enabling you to receive, assimilate, hold and then sustain the energetic shifts, along with the increased amounts of Light Frequencies infused into your cells and DNA.


Transformational “Divine Soul Potential” Clearings, Activations & Coaching Sessions Program

The Complete “Divine Soul Potential” Program includes vital components that are performed first to insure that all energetic blockage are removed & transmuted. Then you are open to receive & allow your whole being to be infused with the Quantum Vortex Modules, Frequencies & Sacred Geometry Codes.

Also For a limited time, I am Divinely Guided to include and extra Quantum Vortex Session, so you will be receiving an additional one with the Complete Package.

A Complete Divine Soul Potential Ultimate Quantum Vortex Scalar Energy Matrix, Clearing, Activations & Coaching Program Includes:
A Total of 4 (Plus The Bonus Session!) Clearing, Coaching, Teaching & Frequency Activations Sessions for Your Own Personal Dreams & Desires

Over the course of your One on One Intensive Sessions You will Receive:
Divine Soul Potential Quantum Vortex Dynamic Coaching
Ultimate Auric Clearing
Karmic Imprint & Shadow Persona
In-depth Spiritual Response Therapy Past Life Clearing
J-Seal & Zeta Seal Removal
Implants, Xplants, Extrusions & Distractor Implants
Intensive Clearing of Self Limiting Beliefs & Belief Systems associated with Money,
Abundance, & Success
Ancestral & Descendent Clearing
Divine Light Alchemy Quantum Vortex Frequency Activation

For a limited time, I am Divinely Guided to include an additional One on One Intensive Quantum Vortex Session, so you will be receiving an extra one, only when a Complete Program Purchase.

6. Optional Follow-up Sessions
Should you desire to speak with me after your Sessions, I offer a Follow-up Phone session at a discount. Please purchase this at the same time you purchase your session, so we can schedule your call within 3 days prior to your clearing session.

This Level of Spiritual Clearing, Releasing and Transmuting enables you to attain your Divine Soul Potential & begin choosing from question, which opens up more choices to create more possibility in your life.

Follow-up e-mails within the 3 day period Prior To Each Session
Your e-mail updates are vital to keep me informed as to your progress. They will be read and whatever issues you report will be addressed and cleared in order continue to assist you through the changes occurring in your subtle energy bodies due to Divine Soul Potential Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Matrix Activations.

How the Divine Soul Potential Sessions are Performed.

All of the sessions are energetic in nature and do not require that we have physical or verbal contact during the scheduled appointment time.
You will receive a Info Sheet with a list of Recommendations, so you receive the optimal experience during your Divine Soul Potential Quantum Vortex Activations, Removals & Clearings.

All that is required of you is that you get into a comfortable relaxed state with the intention of allowing the work to be done in the most beneficial way.

These are my most unique Divine Light Alchemy Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Frequency Activations.

For Complete Details How My Sessions Are Performed. Click Here

The Complete Divine Soul Potential Session Program
Price $1,797.00

Not Sure If The Complete Program is Right For You?
I realize that you may want to start your Divine Soul Potential Journey at a slower pace, and if that is what you resonate with at this time, I recommend starting with one session.

Although the ongoing sessions within the Divine Soul Potential Ultimate Quantum Vortex Scalar Energy Matrix, Clearing, Activations & Coaching Program described above is the most complete, you will still receive an amazing Divine Quantum Session and I will do as much as you are able to energetically receive.

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